James Mack • Artist Spotlight

How did you get into digital fashion?

I got into Digital Fashion towards the end of 2019, after seeing the incredible work Catty Tay was creating and wanted to bring my art direction, humour and Graphic design influences to the medium.

What influences you as an artist?

So much, I am inspired by other designers, cinema, but the countryside is something I have realised is more important to me than I ever realised. I need silence and Nature, which is partly to do with the spaces I put my designs in.

Which softwares do you use?

I use C4D and Marvelous Designer and must say the greatest advantage I can think of is the ease with which I can change fabrics, as well as creating my own.

What's your proudest moment as a digital fashion artist?

Honestly it has to be when people reach out to me to tell me they like my work. My work is all about concepts, so the fact they’re connecting with anyone makes me smile.

Which piece are you the most proud of?

Probably my first digital collection – Ready To Download. This was my way of trying to figure out what I can do with digital fashion when I am not a designer. The collection was about wearing the ethics of a brand rather than the label, highlighting ethical and environmental concerns with fast fashion.

I've seen you were featured in Cybr magazine - do you think traditional media will start to cover digital fashion more?

I think it has to – The space is only growing, Vogue Scandinavia is already featuring digital fashion, I also think this will progress the more existing fashion houses embrace digital fashion.

What is the biggest challenge you face in digital fashion currently?

Where to focus my time – the space is seriously exploding with AR filters, realistic compositing and gaming, so choosing what to keep up with is constantly an issue.

For people interested in digital fashion could you recommend any resources of information?

I try to post tips on my tik tok and Instagram, but some of the best YouTube channels have to be Clo3D’s page, Flipped Normals and The Fashion Tech

What do you think is the future of digital fashion?

Personally I believe it is going to be about AR Filters, but not fashion that could exist in the real world. Pieces that don’t play by the rules of physics. With Snap’s Spectacles and other ways to experience the AR space our augmented selves can reflect our personal taste. I also hope this will help with the democratisation of the fashion space.

What are your thoughts on digital fashion and gaming?

I think this is another area that is just waiting to explode, with people like Charli Cohen exploring this space in super exciting ways. Being able to represent ourselves in every possible format is the most exciting part of digital fashion.

What is the best advice you could give to a new digital fashion artist?

Bring your experience into whatever you do. If you are not a traditional fashion designer use your strengths, for me that was concept development, use of language and world building. Make something only you could make!

We would like to thank James Mack for giving up their time to collaborate on this with us.