Twobadour • Guest Editor

Our guest editor will shine a spotlight on artists and artworks from across the platform.

A former journalist across print and broadcast. Digital truffle sniffer.

Gets DeFi, loves NFT, writes everything.

Stewards Metapurse, heads comms and community for Lendroid and WhaleStreet.

Featured artwork

My first cryptoart purchase. It might feel reductive to some, but it holds a special place in my heart. After two years in the crypto space, I finally discovered the art scene. Abstract concepts started to shimmer with life and colour for the first time. Eths is the mirage before the flame.

LuluxXX has one of the most diverse styles I know. I've followed her work through animation, textured photography, moving images and a multitude of dimensions in between. 'System log creatures' is a fascinating tribute to the ASCII art scene, and the first time I bought NFTs in pairs. Didn't realise then it would become a habit!

I can't get enough of the New Normality series. They are peerless in their minimalism and seamlessness. Such perfect loops, indistinguishable from the cycles we get stuck in, in our everyday lives. This is the third of the series I got my hands on.

One of a triage of sculptures by the OG, Angie. The raw honesty she brings to her work is remarkable. Angie's motifs force you to look closer, to take in not just the central character in a frame, but the frame itself, and the emotion that saturates it. One of my favourite artist of all time.

Work by photographer-artists has a unique twist to it. They work in a zone all their own. I mean, who would make light the subject of their art? To tame light, to sit it down in a frame and paint it, work with it, make it reveal itself. That's what Gisel does. Underrated.

We would like to thank Twobadour for giving up their time to collaborate on this with us. Article by @twobadour.